Thursday, November 6, 2008


lalalalala, My day was pretty good, alittle interesting, I'm staying with my friend Cassady tonight. and I think I'm playing hookie tomarrow no schooolll :p. my mom doesnt kno that (shhhhhhhhhhhhhh!) uhm my week has been pretty boring other than that, I mean Wednesday night was interesting but it was just a bunch of drama that I don't wanna deal with.

I might take a break from youth group atleast till Winter Retreat but I'm not sure yet. I've been really stressed latley and I don't wanna overload myself. I'm known for doing that. I;ve been getting better about praying before I eating which it a good thing. uhmm. My phone will be here next week which makes me extremly happy Red LG Shine.

My german teacher belongs in a stright jacket I swear to you. She is batty. maybe its cause next year she's loosing her job to a robot. I don't know.