Friday, November 7, 2008

Today has been crappy, I still feel like bawling my eyes out for no good reason, which makes no sense, but thats just how I feel, I didn't go to school today and my mom doesn't know it. and I feel kind bad, I might tell her. I don't know.

Its been raining which sucks even more. I've been trying to fallow Andys advice but yeah, not working so well :/ Sometimes I wish I could just go back to when life was easy, but I don't think thats happening any time soon.

I think I broke my toe...with a shampoo bottle. Don't ask me how cause all I know is I dropped it and it hurts now. I'm so tired. but I can't sleep idk why. I've been really anxious lately my mom thinks its from all the caffine I've been drinking at work and all the Red Bulls I drink.

Sometimes I just wanna scream.

Which song to singg?

I"m trying to choose my song for Sudden Impact and I've got it down to two.
but I still can't decide.

I'm between two Stellar Kart Songs

Me and Jesus-Stellar Kart

Life is Good-Stellar Kart

I don't know which onee.

What do you think >?